Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit: What They Don't Tell You About the Climate Crisis

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Razzouk, Assaad
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'Punchy, provocative and wonderfully readable' - David Shukman
'Eye-popping and essential' - Rowan Hooper
'A must-read' - Peter Stott

Have you heard that you should plant trees to save the planet? Or buy carbon offsets when you fly? Or recycle plastic? Go vegan? Or not have children? What if all these actions were a distraction, no matter how well-intentioned?

In this provocative manifesto, Assaad Razzouk shows that for too long our ideas about what's best for the environment have been unfocused and distracted, trying to go in too many directions and concentrating on individual behaviour. While some of these things can be useful, they are dwarfed by one big thing that simply has to happen very soon if we're to avoid major environmental breakdown: curtailing the activities of the fossil fuel industry.

Full of counter-intuitive statistics and positive suggestions for individual and collective action, this ingenious book will change how you view the climate crisis.

Review: A real breath of fresh air. Punchy, provocative and wonderfully readable. Assaad Razzouk not only shares his knowledge and experience, he also allows his impatience to shine through. The result is exactly the kind of no-nonsense clarity that's too often lacking in the climate agenda. * David Shukman, former BBC News Science Editor *
If you're in any doubt about the duplicity, the obfuscation and the lies - just the sheer extent of the fight being waged by Big Oil to keep us hooked on fossil fuels - Assaad Razzouk's eye-popping and essential book will sort you out. * Rowan Hooper, Podcast Editor, New Scientist *
Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit is a refreshing and provocative look at what needs to happen to overcome the climate crisis. A must-read for anyone concerned about avoiding the climate catastrophe. * Peter Stott, author of Hot Air *
Beautifully written and very approachable. Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit covers many of the key issues facing the world with an easy comprehensibility and substantial research. * Chris Goodall, author of What We Need to Do Now: For a Zero Carbon Future *
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Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit: What They Don't Tell You About the Climate Crisis Atlantic Books 9781838954635
Saving the Planet Without the Bullshit: What They Don't Tell You About the Climate Crisis

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