101 Cocktails to try before you die

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Monti, Francois
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Brought together in one delightful and informative guide are the top 101 cocktails to try before you die, from the classics (Old-Fashioned, Manhattan, Vesper) to the less well-known (Scofflaw, Irish Mermaid, Bramble).

With fascinating insight, this book takes the reader on a captivating tour through history's most famous (and infamous) cocktails. Each entry comes with a detailed history, entertaining anecdotes and of course a list of ingredients, as well as retellings of cocktail myths and legends.

Whether you are a spirits aficionado or simply enjoy a good drink, this is the must-have cocktail handbook.
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101 Cocktails to try before you die Octopus Publishing Group 9781844038770
101 Cocktails to try before you die

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