Book of All Loves

455,23 TL
Mallo, Agustin Fernandez
Bunstead, Thomas
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In the wake of the Great Blackout, faced with the near-extinction of humanity, a pair of lovers speak to each other. They parse, with precision, with familiarity, the endless aspects of their love. Out of their dialogues, piece by piece, a composite image of love takes form, one that moves outwards beyond the realm of relationships and into metaphysics, geology, linguistics, AI.

Years previously, a writer and her husband, a Latin professor, stay in Venice while she works on a text. As they roam the city, strange occurrences accumulate, signalling that the world around them is heading towards a point of no return.
Blending fiction and essay, poetry and philosophy, Agustin Fernandez Mallo's The Book of All Loves is a startling, expansive work of imaginative agility, one that renders love unfamiliar so as to renew it, and makes the case for hope in the midst of a disintegrating present.


'Here, a sense of menace and a kind of melancholy tension are beautifully realised in Mallo's brooding prose.'
- Michael Cronin, Irish Times

'There are certain writers whose work you turn to knowing you'll find extraordinary things there. Borges is one of them, Bolano another. Agustin Fernandez Mallo has become one, too.'
- Chris Power, author of A Lonely Man

'A protean taxonomy of love whose shape veers between three modes, that of commonplace book, gendered dialogue and metafiction. Agustin Fernandez Mallo finds not one but many envelopes to contain the cosmos.'
- Jesse Ball, author of Autoportrait

'The Book of All Loves defies definition. The prose gallops on from one shining brilliance to the next, both disarmingly playful and devastating. Gorgeous, melancholic, mysterious - it is a book to be read again, many times.'
- Claire Oshetsky, author of Chouette

'In his Book of All Loves, Fernandez Mallo offers us an encyclopaedia of loves, each one sounding - as if for the first time - as a pure tone, from an infinite spectrum of tones. Here is a book unlike any other, a book that recreates and regenerates love, even as it asks us whether it is strong enough to hold.'
- Amy Arnold, author of Lori & Joe

'The Book of All Loves is a deeply poetic novel ... Fernandez Mallo reflects on the present through the past, and projects us into a future where the conditions of the self, the environment, relationships and the body are all called into question.'
- El Mundo

'Reading Agustin Fernandez Mallo is the closest thing in literature to putting on a VR headset.'
- La Vanguardia

'The Book of All Loves is at once an essay, an ode and a gospel, where two lovers become the link between one world ending and another being born, and using deep geological time to explain why some people stay with us our whole lives.'
- ABC Espana

'The most original and powerful author of his generation in Spain.'
- Mathias Enard, author of The Annual Banquet of the Gravediggers' Guild

'One of the best writers in Spanish, with an absolutely unique style and fictional world.'
- Jorge Carrion, New York Times in Spanish

'A strange and original sensibility at work - one that combines a deep commitment to the possibilities of art with a gonzo spirit and a complete absence of pretention.'
- Christopher Beha, Harper's

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Book of All Loves Fitzcarraldo Editions 9781804270790
Book of All Loves

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