
2.899,55 TL
2.174,66 TL
Gaisser, Julia Haig
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70,00 GBP
Oxford Readings in Catullus is a collection of articles that represent a sampling of the most interesting and important work on Catullus from around 1950 to 2000, together with three very short pieces from the Renaissance. The readings, selected for their intrinsic interest and importance, are intended to be thought-provoking (and in some cases provocative) and to challenge readers to look at Catullus in different ways. They demonstrate a number of approaches - stylistic, historical, literary-historical, New Critical, and theoretical (of several flavours). Such hermeneutic diversity is particularly appropriate in the case of Catullus, whose oeuvre is famously - some might say notoriously - varied in length, genre, tone, and subject matter. The collection as a whole demonstrates what has interested Catullus' readers in the last half century and suggests some of the ways in which they might approach his poetry in the future. It is accompanied by an introduction by Julia Haig Gaisser on themes in Catullan criticism from 1950 to 2000.
Review: Gaisser is a measured, sensible, and good-humoured editor and eminently qualified for the task * Maeve O'Brien, Bryn Mawr Classical Review * 
Introduction: Themes in Catullan Criticism (c.1950-2000); CATULLUS AND HIS BOOKS; Catullus, c. 1; Catullus 116; Metrical Variations and Some Textual Problems in Catullus; Catulli Veronensis Liber; The Collection; NEW CRITICISM AND CATULLUS' SAPPHICS; Catullan 'Otiosi': The Lover and the Poet; Catullus 11: The Ironies of Integrity; NEOTERIC POETICS; The Neoteric Poets; The Neoteric Elegiacs and the Epigrams Proper; ALLUSION AND INTERTEXT; Poetic Memory and the Art of Allusion; Poem 101; Catullus, Ennius, and the Poetics of Allusion; Threads in the Labyrinth: Competing Views and Voices in Catullus 64; OBSCENITY AND INVECTIVE; Obscenity in Catullus; Catullus and the Art of Crudity; DEBATING THE SPARROW; How the Sparrow of Catullus is to be Understood, and a Passage Pointed out in Martial; The Flea and the Sparrow; O factum male! O miselle passer!; Animal Imagery and the Sparrow; In Defence of Catullus' Dirty Sparrow; ROMAN REALITIES; A World Not Ours; Catullus XLII; Friendship, Politics, and Literature in Catullus: Poems 1, 65 and 66, 116; Non inter nota sepulchra: Catullus 101 and Roman Funerary Ritual; THE LENS OF THEORY; 'Shall I compare thee ...?': Catullus 68B and the Limits of Analogy; Ego mulier: The Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus; Sappho 31 and Catullus 51: The Dialogism of Lyric; Ceveat lector: Catullus and the Rhetoric of Performance
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Catullus Oxford University Press 9780199280353

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