Cradle to Cradle

455,23 TL
Braungart, Michael
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Karton Kapak
Patterns of Life
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Michael Braungart and William McDonough propose a plan for our planet in this stunning new edition of their radical ecological manifesto.
This book proposes a new vision for modern industry. Instead of our current wasteful and polluting methods of manufacturing, we could be taking nature as a model for making things. With the right redesign, objects that have come to the end of their useful lives should provide the basis for something new. In designing and producing products we need to stop worrying about being 'less bad' and start finding ways of actually being good.
The best argument for good design is that it lasts. The best argument for good science is that it deplores waste. I'm bored with guilty and technologically illiterate environmental Luddites describing a future of guilt and privation led in caves. There's an alternative responsible future persuasively offered by Braungart and McDonough. The survival of the planet can be re-stated in terms of
stimulus, opportunity, challenge and reward. Works for me.
-- Stephen Bayley
Already embraced by far-thinking manufacturers and governments. * Food Ethics Magazine *
It's one of the most thought-provoking books I've ever read -- Ellen Macarthur * Daily Express *
Environmentalists too rarely apply the ecological wisdom of life to our problems. Asking how a cherry tree would design an energy efficient building is only one of the creative 'practices' that McDonough and Braungart spread, like a field of wild flowers, before their readers. This book will give you renewed hope that, indeed, 'it is darkest before the dawn' -- Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club
Achieving the great economic transition to more equitable, ecologically sustainable societies requires nothing less than a design revolution - beyond today's fossilized industrialism. This enlightened and enlightening book shows us how - and indeed, that 'God is in the details.' A must for every library and every concerned citizen -- Hazel Henderson, author of "Building a Win-Win World and Beyond Globalization: Shaping a Sustainable Global Economy" 
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Cradle to Cradle Vintage Books 9781784873653
Cradle to Cradle

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