Cultural History of Sexuality in the Classical World

1.200,83 TL
Golden, Mark; Toohey, Peter
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Karton Kapak
The Cultural Histories
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28,99 GBP
Though many of the sexual practices of the Ancient Greeks and Romans are known and accepted today, the meanings the Ancients associated with these acts were often utterly different from our own. Both idea and practice also varied within antiquity, shaped by locale, history, social class, age, legal status, and gender. Focusing on the cultures of the Mediterranean from 800 BCE to 350 CE, A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Classical World covers sexual practices, feelings, and ideas from the time of Homer to the transformation of the Roman Empire. A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Classical World presents an overview of the period with essays on heterosexuality, homosexuality, sexual variations, religious and legal issues, health concerns, popular beliefs about sexuality, prostitution and erotica.

Review: Holt Parker's chapter, 'Sex, Popular Beliefs, and Culture', won the 2014 Paul Rehak Award for Published Scholarship from the Lambda Classical Caucus * . *
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Cultural History of Sexuality in the Classical World Bloomsbury Publishing 9781472539205
Cultural History of Sexuality in the Classical World

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