
289,54 TL
Gibbons, Alan
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Guns, violence, mob rule or defending the cause? We all have choices. Or do we? Who would choose blood, sacrifice and exile? At the height of the Troubles in Northern Ireland Ian's dad did. He thought he was fighting for a cause, for his people. But the price was too high - after the murder of his sister's husband and his own wife's death, he's paying for trying to get out. Somewhere along the line the cause got blurred by organised crime and revenge, and all it's left is a bitter taste. He's still a target, still a victim. Now he faces a lifetime of running with nowhere to go and constantly putting at risk the son he loves.

This page turner tackles a controversial topic head-on and makes powerful and memorable reading.

Review: Gibbons knows how to grip a reader. His works are challenging with stomach-churning reality. * Birmingham Post *
A thriller you can't put down from a master storyteller * Bolton Evening News *
His thrillers are guaranteed to keep the reader flipping the pages, but also to make them tackle subjects they may initially have shied away from * The Guardian * 
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Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
Defender Orion Publishing Group 9781842550984

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