Dirty Guide to Wine: Following Flavor from Ground to Glass

811,28 TL
Feiring, Alice
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24,95 USD
Award-winning wine writer Alice Feiring presents an all-new way to look at the world of wine. While grape variety is important, a surprising amount of information about flavour and composition can be gleaned from a region's soil. Feiring's guide makes it simple to find wines you'll love.

Breaking new ground and revealing new connections, The Dirty Guide to Wine organises wines not by grape, not by region, not by New or Old World, but by soil. The same winning qualities found in a Bordeaux might be found in a Californian Chardonnay. Feiring provides a clarifying account of the traditions and techniques of wine-tasting, demystifying the practice and introducing a whole new way to enjoy wine to sommeliers and novice drinkers alike.

Review: "... as with all of Feiring's writing, the intention goes beyond data to a place where passion is discovered through perspective." -- Imbibe
"Two fairly heavyweight books on the subject of organic, biodynamic and natural wines will certainly provide reading - and discussion - way past the 12th night. American author and natural wine advocate Alice Feiring's book is not about natural wine per se, but about vineyard soils. The Dirty Guide to Wine is full of contentious opinion, discussing the 'effect' of different soil types and recommending wines based on that." -- Wine gift ideas for Christmas 2017 - Wine Pages
"... it can only be a wretchedly jaded or incurious enophile who fails to find in Feiring's writings ample invitations for discovery and discussion." -- World of Fine Wine 
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Dirty Guide to Wine: Following Flavor from Ground to Glass WW Norton & Co 9781581573848
Dirty Guide to Wine: Following Flavor from Ground to Glass

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