
330,96 TL
Anderson, M. T.
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A tour de force in dystopian fiction, set in a society where people connect to the internet via feeds implanted in their brains.

Titus doesn't think much of the moon. But then Titus doesn't think much period. He's got his "feed" - an internet implant linked directly into his brain - to do his thinking for him. It tells him where to party or get the hottest bargains and how to accessorize the mysterious lesions everyone's been getting lately. But then Titus meets Violet, a girl who cares what's happening to the world and challenges everything Titus and his friends hold dear. A girl who decides to fight the feed...

Review: ... a treat for jaded palates, executed with sustained energy ... it has an intelligent self-confidence and everyone should read it. * The Bookseller *
A sharp, edgy book that deals with another kind of virtual reality...This is a savage and ultimately moving satire with strong language which is definitely not for the feelgood market, but which challenges the reader to think about the way we are manipulated by mass culture. * The Observer *
This novel will make you want to pull out the plugs and head for the hills while you still can [...] Brilliantly, this book brings the future and its lingo right into our heads, the old-fashioned way, and reminds us to cherish the reality we are lucky enough to still have. * The Independent *

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Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
Feed Walker Books 9781406345209

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