From Edison to IPod

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Mostert, Ferderick
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"This book democratizes intellectual property and makes it accessible for all to use and understand." Nelson Mandela

"Designers need to know how best to protect their creations. With this book, you can do that." Stella McCartney

Setting up a website or launching a new product in the UK? Looking to invest, or safeguard your creation? If you've got big ideas, this is your wake up call to protect, profit and prosper from them.

Frederick Mostert, a leader in the intellectual property field, has counselled celebrities and public figures including President Mandela, Boris Becker, Stella McCartney and the Shaolin Monks. Follow his practical tips and expert advice and learn how intellectual property works, how to develop strategies to protect your ideas in the UK market and find out how to get an idea out of your head into action.

Turn your bright idea into a bright financial future.
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From Edison to IPod Dorling Kindersley 9781405319263
From Edison to IPod

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