Get a Grip! We're on a Trip! , My Weird School Graphic Novel 2

292,32 TL
Gutman, Dan
Paillot, Jim
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My Weird School Graphic Novel
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Graphic novel fans, prepare yourselves for a trip you won't soon forget! New York Times bestselling author Dan Gutman and veteran illustrator Jim Paillot have brought you a second zany My Weird School graphic novel!

A.J. and his friends have the chance to win a trip to Dizzyland-if they can finish 5,000 books first. Dr. Carbles, the evil president of the Board of Education, doesn't think they can do it. But the Ella Mentry School kids are nothing if not determined!

Will they achieve their theme park dreams? Or does Dr. Carbles have other plans for the school?

Full of visual gags, fun pop culture references, and hilarious full-color illustrations, this is the weirdest graphic novel in the history of the world!

With more than 30 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading!

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Get a Grip! We're on a Trip! , My Weird School Graphic Novel 2 Harper Collins 9780063054486
Get a Grip! We're on a Trip! , My Weird School Graphic Novel 2

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