Jewellery & Make-up No. 3

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Fashion Through the Ages
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This work contains details about jewellery ranging from prehistoric necklaces made from bones and stones, to the elaborate jewellery of the Tudors created with precious stones from around the world and the "bling" jewellery and body piercings of today. It covers details about make-up ranging from face painting with mud and plant extracts, to designer cosmetics promoted by super models. How did different styles develop? What is the religious significance of some pieces of jewellery? What are the traditions behind wearing make-up? How have fashion fads or practical needs dictated the decorative items we wear? It takes a comprehensive look at the history of jewellery and make-up!
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Jewellery & Make-up No. 3 Octopus Publishing Group 9781860079818
Jewellery & Make-up No. 3

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