L 18 Elegies

975,49 TL
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Latince - İngilizce
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30,00 USD
The passionate and dramatic elegies of Propertius (Sextus Propertius) gained him a reputation as one of Rome’s finest love poets. Here he portrays the exciting, uneven course of his love affair with Cynthia and tells us much about his contemporaries and the society in which he lives, while in later poems he turns to mythological themes and the legends of early Rome.
Born in Assisi about 50 BCE, Propertius moved as a young man to Rome, where he came into contact with a coterie of poets, including Virgil, Tibullus, Horace, and Ovid. Publication of his first book brought immediate recognition and the unwavering support of Maecenas, the influential patron of the Augustan poets. He died perhaps in his mid-thirties, leaving us four books of elegies that have attracted admirers throughout the ages.
In this new edition of Propertius, G. P. Goold solves some longstanding questions of interpretation and gives us a faithful and stylish prose translation. His explanatory notes and glossary/index offer steady guidance and a wealth of information.
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Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
L 18 Elegies Harvard University Press 9780674990203
L 18 Elegies

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