Masterpieces: Early Medieval Art

1.035,55 TL
Marzinzik, Sonja
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25 GBP
This beautiful volume explores the lesser-known history of Europe and the Mediterranean, bridging the gap between the Mediterranean and the North of Europe, the Byzantine and Roman empires and the barbarian world of the Dark Ages; a period that saw Christianity established as a major world religion as well as the rise of Islam. Drawn from all the major cultures of the period and covering an extensive geographical and chronological sweep, this richly illustrated book celebrates the artistic accomplishment of objects made from a varied and attractive array of materials such as gold, silver, precious stones, ivory, glass, ceramics and textiles. Showcased are some of the British Museum collections most outstanding and internationally renowned objects, including the Projecta Casket, treasures from the Sutton Hoo ship burial and the Fuller Brooch. The text reveals a fascinating insight into their makers and owners as well as the world in which they were created. 
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Masterpieces: Early Medieval Art British Museum Press 9780714123202
Masterpieces: Early Medieval Art

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