Modern Architecture: A Critical History

828,03 TL
Frampton, Kenneth
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Karton Kapak
World of Art
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19,99 GBP
This highly acclaimed survey of modern architecture and its origins has become a classic since it first appeared in 1980, and has helped to shape architectural practice and discourse worldwide. For this extensively revised and updated fifth edition, Kenneth Frampton has added a new section that explores in detail the modernist tradition in architecture across the globe in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. He examines the varied ways in which architects are not only responding to the geographical, climatic, material and cultural contexts of their buildings, but also pursuing distinct lines of approach that emphasize topography, morphology, sustainability, materiality habitat and civic form. It remains an essential book for all students of architecture and architectural history.

Review: 'One of the most important works on modern architecture we have today' - Architectural Digest
'A wide-ranging work of superior scholarship, this ambitious publication contains many chapters that stand on their own as perceptive essays; it is marked throughout by a consistently mature critical intelligence' - New York Review of Books
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Modern Architecture: A Critical History Thames & Hudson 9780500204443
Modern Architecture: A Critical History

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