My Own Story

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Pankhurst, Emmeline
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The great leader of the women's suffrage movement tells the story of her struggles in her own words.

Emmeline Pankhurst grew up all too aware of the prevailing attitude of her day: that men were considered superior to women. When she was just fourteen she attended her first suffrage meeting, and returned home a confirmed suffragist. Throughout the course of her career she endured humiliation, prison, hunger strikes and the repeated frustration of her aims by men in power, but she rose to become a guiding light of the Suffragette movement. This is the story, in Pankhurst's own words, of her struggle for equality.

Review: She shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back * Time *
She put body and soul at the service of liberty, equality and fraternity and secured a triumph for them -- Rebecca West
Emmeline Pankhurst fought for women's suffrage with indomitable courage * Guardian *
The finished product rests somewhere between a gripping novel and a painstaking historical record. No view of the suffragette story is complete without this comprehensive puzzle piece. -- Jacqui Agate * The Independent *
She shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back * Time * 
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My Own Story Vintage Books 9781784871253
My Own Story

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