Oxford Readings in the Greek Novel

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Swain, Simon
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50 GBP
 This book comprises a new and exciting collection of critical work on the ancient Greek novel. It offers students and researchers twelve of the most influential studies of recent years together with an introduction, by the editor, which explores the nature of the Greek novel in its historical context. The Readings are in two sections. The first examines aspects which are common to several or all of the novels, for example, themes and plots; the portrayal of emotions; the role of the countryside; female readers and characters; and the `historical novel'. The second section contains studies of the narrative and plot of Chariton, the genre of and literary responses to Longus, Achilles Tatius' ego-narrative, the narrative technique and message of Heliodorus, and the humour found in Lucian's A True Story. Six of these pieces have been translated for the first time from French, German, and Italian, thereby bringing some of the best of European scholarship to an Anglophone audience. The most important Greek quotations have been rendered into English making these texts easily accessible to readers without Greek.

Review: Harrison (and Swain) are learned and judicious editors, and both volumes will no doubt find the wide markets they deserve...it is hard not to be impressed by the weight and density of scholarship to be found herein. * Tim Whitmarsh, Times Literary Supplement, 4/2/00. * 
1. A Century and More of the Greek Novel; 2. The Greek Novel: The Genre; 3. The Conflict of Emotions: a Topos in the Greek Erotic Novel; 4. Rural Society in the Greek Novel, or The Country Seen from the Town; 5. The Role of Women in the Greek Novel: Woman as Heroine and Reader; 6. Callirhoe and Parthenope: The Beginnings of the Historical Novel; 7. Theme, Structure and Narrative in Chariton; 8. Longos: Towards a History of Bucolic and its Function in the Roman Empire; 9. The Novel of Longos the Sophist and Pastoral Tradition; 10. Achilles Tatius and Ego-Narrative; 11. The Story of Knemon in Heliodoros' Aithiopka; 12. The Mendacity of Kalasiris and the Narrative Strategy of Heliodoros' Aithiopika; 13. The Mirror of the Moon. Lucian's A True Story - From Satire to Utopia
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Oxford Readings in the Greek Novel Oxford University Press 9780198721888
Oxford Readings in the Greek Novel

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