Purezza Vegan Pizza

786,61 TL
Barclay, Tim; Evangelisti, Stefania; Rosato, Filippo
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18,99 GBP
Winners of the World Pizza Award 2018 and Best Pizza at the National Pizza Awards 2018.

Purezza, founded in Brighton in 2015, was the first vegan pizzeria in the UK. Passionate about plant-based food, their aim was simple: to make their menu superior to the traditional alternatives, revolutionising Italian food by using cruelty-free ingredients.

This book makes it possible to enjoy their authentic tasting pizza with at home. Discover your perfect crust (wholemeal, sourdough or gluten-free), choose your
favourite sauce, from a classic San Marzano Tomato to a vibrant green Asparagus Sauce, create exciting nut cheeses, from deliciously melty Cashew Mozzarella to a punchy Almond Gorgonzola, and finish it all off with a range of tempting toppings, such as Beetroot Carpaccio, Smoked Carrot Pancetta and Funghi Trifolati. There are also Dips and Dressings to enjoy alongside your pizzas,
and a selection of vegan-ised classic Italian dishes and desserts.

This book helps any home cook recreate the best vegan pizza that promises to be enjoyed by vegans and meat-eaters alike.
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Purezza Vegan Pizza Kyle Books 9780857837448
Purezza Vegan Pizza

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